Limits Are Meant to Be Broken

Dana Draper | Chicago, IL

upwards view of chicago architecture


Coding, whether it be professional websites or fun video game scripts and mods, is my passion. With front end development I love being able to combine artistic creativity with technology to bring beautiful ideas to life.

In my free time I love gaming, writing fantasy novels, reading fantasy, adventure or sci-fi novels, learning new things, traveling new places and cooking.


HTML5, CSS3, SASS/SCSS, Bootstrap 5

Languages I Use To Make Your Website Accessible to Everyone And Function Efficiently On All Sizes of Devices While Also Looking Sharp

Javascript and Typescript

Language I Use To Make Your Website Stand Out From The Rest With The Latest Animations

WordPress, React.js, PHP or Any Host Provider

Environments I Can Build Your Web App or Site On To Give You Greater Site Security

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Making Sure To Get The Most Traffic On Your Site From All Over The World

Visual Studio Code and PhotoShop

All Built In VS Code With A Little Help From Photoshop For Crisp Imaging


Verify my certificates and review my completed coursework projects by clicking names with a . View my certificates on LinkedIn by connecting with me here!

Robin Wieruch / The Road to React (2023)

Coursework covers core concepts such as resuable functional components, state, hooks, context, and Redux.

Wordpress Essential Training (April 2021)

Includes learning basics of Wordpress CMS such as content formatting, how to create reusable blocks for templates and how to tag/categorize content posts for SEO optimization. Certificate granted after completing over 2 hours of quizzes, following along in Wordpress CMS and watching guided videos.

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures (March 2021)

Includes learning basic Javascript principles, ES6, Regular Expressions (regex), debugging, basic data structures (arrays and objects), algorithm scripting, object oriented programing (OOP) and functional programing. Certificate will be granted after completing over 300 hours of coursework and intermediate projects.

Front End Libraries (Feb 2021)

Includes learning React, React + Redux, Redux, jQuery, SASS and Bootstrap 4. Certificate granted after over 300 hours of coursework and projects.

Responsive Web Design (Sept 2020)

Includes learning HTML + HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Visual Design, Accessibility + Web Design, Responsive Web Design Principles, CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid. Certificate granted after over 300 hours of coursework and projects.

JavaScript Essential Training (Oct 2019)

Includes learning Javascript and DOM basics such as working with loops, event handling, functions and objects. Certificate granted after completing over 6 hours of projects, completing quizzes and watching guided videos.

User Experience for Web Design (Oct 2019)

Certificate granted after completing about 2 hours of learning about UX design and how to approach building a website with users in mind.

Contact Me

Contact me to give your project a creative, personal touch or talk to me about working for your company!