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Portrait of Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife is the main protagonist in Final Fantasy VII. An arrogant and proud swordsman at first, Cloud introduces himself to AVALANCHE as a former member of an elite warrior unit called SOLDIER who has turned mercenary, and uninterested in anything beyond his hired task at hand. He later discovers more about his past and, with the help of his friends, learns there is more to being a hero than possessing physical strength and fame, developing compassion for the Planet and people he fights to protect. He fights to protect the Planet against his nemesis, Sephiroth.

Cloud Strife wields large broadswords in battle, including the iconic Buster Sword, and has access to the most powerful weapons in the game. His Limit abilities involve his sword, and are the strongest, but take the longest to learn. Cloud also has the best all-around stats.

Portrait of Sephiroth


Sephiroth is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII.Sephiroth is a former renowned SOLDIER, who became twisted. While Sephiroth is the main antagonist, he isn't the central focus until much later in the game, after Cloud and his allies leave Midgar to find him.

Before his fall from grace, Sephiroth was one of the most lauded success stories of the Shinra Electric Power Company's SOLDIER program. His successes in the field of battle during the conflicts surrounding Shinra's bid for global domination led to his status as a celebrity war hero and the poster boy for both the Shinra Military and the company's SOLDIER program. Learning of his true origins drove him insane, causing him to be driven by a desire to destroy the world.

Portrait of Aerith

Aerith Gainsborough

Aerith is the last of the Cetra, an ancient race with powerful magical abilities, and so the Shinra Electric Power Company hunts her throughout her life, seeking to exploit her powers. She meets Cloud Strife in Midgar, and the two become close, leading her to join his quest to fight Shinra and hunt down Sephiroth. Aerith is upbeat, carefree and joyful, being flirtatious towards Cloud and also compassionate towards others.

Aerith wields staves in battle, and is in the back row by default, as she primarily uses magic from equipped Materia in battle. Her Limit abilities are entirely defensive, either providing restorative abilities, healing other party members, or granting them positive status enhancements.

Portrait of Sephiroth

Tifa Lockhart

Tifa is Cloud's childhood friend from Nibelheim, but lost contact with him years ago. When she meets him again, she convinces him to join AVALANCHE, the resistance group she is a member of, to fight Shinra Electric Power Company, whom she bears hatred for due to the destruction of their hometown. She supports Cloud as his comrade and helps him and his allies fight Sephiroth. Tifa is emotionally shy and empathic, acting as a motherly figure towards her allies when providing encouragement and emotional support.

Tifa uses her martial arts moves in battle, equipping knuckles as her weapon. Her Limit abilities make use of her martial arts techniques further, and unlike other characters, her Limit Break abilities are not selected from a list, rather, each ability can be used consecutively if the slots land on the "Yeah!" reel for the ability.

Portrait of Sephiroth

Barret Wallace

Barret Wallace leads the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE, trying to prevent Shinra Electric Power Company from using Mako, the planet of Gaia's life source, as a form of energy.

Barret fights passionately for his cause and cares greatly for his allies. His seemingly benevolent cause of fighting for the Planet is a cover for his personal vendetta and anger, which he later must come to terms with. Despite his brash and sometimes violent attitude, Barret has a good heart, and is torn between fighting and caring for his daughter, Marlene.

Barret wields gun-arm, mechanical guns grafted in place of his right arm, allowing him to fire from range. His Limit Break abilities largely consist of physical attacks with these weapons.

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